Internet Regitry CHD

Internet Registry on CHD

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The incidence of congenital heart disease is about 8 for 1000 live births.
We propose a register for continuous monitoring of congenital heart diseases from fetus to young adult in the world through Internet W.W.W.This register have opened since 03/30/1996 a new perspective study to evaluate the incidence and the spectrum of congenital heart diseases diagnosed either during fetal or postnatal life. The data entry was separated for Fetal and Neonatal CHD.
The register is the most effective way to quickly compile and provides up to date informations on participating centers, summary and statistical data in DATA ENTRY , INSTITUTIONS and RESULTS pages and you will may send questions, suggestions and/or comments to improve this WWW service.

We are very grateful to all Institutions, Pediatric Cardiologists, Pediatric Cardiac Surgeons and Anybody who are devoted in diagnosis of congenital malformations, that have the pleasure in adding theirs data in this multi-institutional, cooperative endeavour.
All data collected will be presented up to date in these pages.

Fetal Istitutions Fetal data entry Fetal results
Neonatal Istitutions Neonatal data entry Neonatal results
Send comments Fetal and Neonatal Total Results

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Copyright © 1996 S.Gerboni M.D.

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