Fetal Echocardiography


Salvatore Gerboni M.D.
University’ “G.d’Annunzio” – Chieti


    Fetal echocardiography is up to date the most valuable tool for the diagnosis of fetal heart diseases. The specificity is about 99 % and the sensibility is over 80 % depending from the experitise of the examiner. The examen is completely non invasive and harmless for the fetus and is the only tool that allows a complete cardiac structure and function evaluation and monitoring during fetal lifeFetal Ultrasound for Screening Examination.) It allows, also the studies of cardiac arrhithmias which are now managible with transplacentar therapy.

    The most frequent asked questions, from expectant mothers during obstretical consultations , are :

    Who must do Fetal ecocardiography
    When must be done Fetal ecocardiography
    Why must be done Fetal ecocardiography
    Where must be done Fetal ecocardiography

    must do the second level of Fetal Echocardiography

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