All posts in neonatal cardiology

Parma XXIII International Echo Meeting

Parma XXIII International Echo Meeting June 18-19-20, 2015 Dear colleagues and friends , we are glad to send you the Final Program of our Meeting. This year there will be a somewhat new format with 2 days of Scientific Program and one half day dedicated to a Satellite Session on “ Science , Development , […]

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Echocardiographic screening for congenital heart disease

J Cardiol. 2015 Jan 5. pii: S0914-5087(14)00345-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jjcc.2014.11.011. [Epub ahead of print] Echocardiographic screening for congenital heart disease in 8819 children: A report from local community events for children’s healthcare. Nishio S1, Kusunose K2, Yamada H3, Yamao M1, Hirata Y1, Mori K4, Matsuoka S5, Sata M3. Author information Abstract

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Williams-Beuren Syndrome: Computed Tomography Imaging Review

Williams-Beuren Syndrome: Computed Tomography Imaging Review Karuna M. Das,Tarek S. Momenah,Sven G. Larsson,Shehla Jadoon, Abdullah S. Aldosary,Edward Y. Lee Abstract Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS) affects young infants and children. The underlying etiopathogenesis of this rare disease is due to the mutation of the elastin gene that is responsible for the elasticity of the arterial wall. As […]

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Bacterial Endocarditis Prophylaxis

PROPHYLAXIS of BACTERIAL ENDOCARDITIS PROPHYLAXIS of BACTERIAL ENDOCARDITIS If you have congenital heart disease, print out this information and give it to your physician. You can also download a PDF version of the wallet card from AHA. Antibiotic therapy must be practiced for prophylaxis of the bacterial endocarditis, every tyme the patient must be take […]

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CARDIAC OUTPUT IN INFANTS OF DIABETIC MOTHERS G. Sabatino, L. Quartulli, S. Di Fabio, L. A. Ramenghi, A. Di Bari, A. R. Pecoraro, V. Resta, S. Gerboni [hide abstract]

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Coarctation of the aorta, interrupted aortic arch, and hypoplastic left heart syndrome in three generations.

Coarctation of the aorta, interrupted aortic arch, and hypoplastic left heart syndrome in three generations. S Gerboni, G Sabatino, R Mingarelli, B Dallapiccola ABSTRACT: Five members in three generations of a family were affected by a congenital heart disease. Four of them had mild or severe coarctation of the aorta (CoA), either isolated or in […]

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Left isomerism with absence of the spleen and obstructed pulmonary venous drainage: an uncommon association

Left isomerism with absence of the spleen and obstructed pulmonary venous drainage—an uncommon association Marco Zimarino, Salvatore Gerboni, Fernando M. Picchio [hide abstract] ABSTRACT: Cardiac and extracardiac anomalies tend to follow characteristic patterns when there is an isomeric arrangement of the heart and lungs. We present a case diagnosed correctly during prenatal life as having […]

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Persistently low cardiac output predicts high mortality in newborns with cardiogenic shock.

Persistently low cardiac output predicts high mortality in newborns with cardiogenic shock. G Sabatino, L A Ramenghi, A Verrotti, S Gerboni, F Chiarelli Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, University of Chieti, Italy. Panminerva medica (Impact Factor: 0.98). 03/1998; 40(1):28-32. Source: PubMed Edit ABSTRACT Cardiogenic shock is an acute “unstable” state of circulatory dysfunction. To evaluate the […]

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