CARDIAC OUTPUT IN INFANTS OF DIABETIC MOTHERS G. Sabatino, L. Quartulli, S. Di Fabio, L. A. Ramenghi, A. Di Bari, A. R. Pecoraro, V. Resta, S. Gerboni [hide abstract]
MoreCARDIAC OUTPUT IN INFANTS OF DIABETIC MOTHERS G. Sabatino, L. Quartulli, S. Di Fabio, L. A. Ramenghi, A. Di Bari, A. R. Pecoraro, V. Resta, S. Gerboni [hide abstract]
MoreCoarctation of the aorta, interrupted aortic arch, and hypoplastic left heart syndrome in three generations. S Gerboni, G Sabatino, R Mingarelli, B Dallapiccola ABSTRACT: Five members in three generations of a family were affected by a congenital heart disease. Four of them had mild or severe coarctation of the aorta (CoA), either isolated or in […]
MoreLeft isomerism with absence of the spleen and obstructed pulmonary venous drainage—an uncommon association Marco Zimarino, Salvatore Gerboni, Fernando M. Picchio [hide abstract] ABSTRACT: Cardiac and extracardiac anomalies tend to follow characteristic patterns when there is an isomeric arrangement of the heart and lungs. We present a case diagnosed correctly during prenatal life as having […]
MorePersistently low cardiac output predicts high mortality in newborns with cardiogenic shock. G Sabatino, L A Ramenghi, A Verrotti, S Gerboni, F Chiarelli Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, University of Chieti, Italy. Panminerva medica (Impact Factor: 0.98). 03/1998; 40(1):28-32. Source: PubMed Edit ABSTRACT Cardiogenic shock is an acute “unstable” state of circulatory dysfunction. To evaluate the […]
MorePrenatal diagnosis of interrupted inferior vena cava as an isolated finding: a benign vascular malformation. C Celentano, G Malinger, S Rotmensch, S Gerboni, Y Wolman, M Glezerman Department of Obstetrics, Edith Wolfson Medical Center, Holon, Israel. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (Impact Factor: 3.56). 10/1999; 14(3):215-8. DOI:10.1046/j.1469-0705.1999.14030215.x Source: PubMed Edit ABSTRACT We report two cases […]
MoreBenefici della diagnosi prenatale della cardiopatie congenite ( CC )
a cura di S.Gerboni
La diagnosi prenatale delle malformazioni congenite e’entrata nella pratica
clinica ostetrica in modo routinario. Dal cosidetto esame morfologico fetale generale in situazioni scelte dal’ostetrico,
vengono proposti ulteriori approfondimenti agli specialisti di settore.
Gli ostetrici oggi sono in grado di escludere la maggior parte delle cardiopatie congenite (CC) fetali
e si affiancano al cardiologo pediatra/fetale per meglio definire le caratteristiche
anatomiche del difetto e la gestione della gravidanza con feto cardiopatico.
Interventistica Prenatale
a cura di S.Gerboni
Cosa porta all’idea di intervenire sul cuore fetale in utero ?
MoreThe concept of the fetus as a patient should not be understood in terms of the independent moral status of the fetus, i.e., some feature(s) of the fetus that, independently of other entities e including the pregnant woman, the physician, and the state – generates obligations of others to it.